ICT and innovation study

[...] * Enhance demand-side measures such as prizes and procurement: Inducement prizes are a modality of funding of innovation that proved to be successful to reach out and engaged to real innovators. A substantial part of research and innovation funding should be distributed as inducement prize. Procurement is also a largely unexploited tool with high potential, since it covers 16% of EU GDP. Innovative public procurement, in particular towards SMEs, could help reducing the early stage funding gap and help bridging the valley of death. Most importantly, grants, prizes and procurement should be used in an integrated way, covering different phases of the innovation cycle (multi-stage approach). For instance, often public procurement is used to purchase solutions, which emerged from inducement prizes.
Sum2, LLC
great stuff... aligning incentives with program goals... social entrepreneurship and sustainability rewards for environmental, political, public health macroeconomic should be extolled
Sum2, LLC, 28/03/2014 20:20
annaflavia bianchi
Take advantage from the RIS3 process which sets mid-term goals based on the knowledge/technology/business structure of the region, and doing so enlarges the possibilities of orienting and converging the resources and minds, and stimulates cooperation. Public procurement as guide and stimulus of innovation is one of the policy tools added in the regional policy mix through PCP and could be reinforced.
annaflavia bianchi, 03/04/2014 08:17
annaflavia bianchi
As for Public Procurement, on one side ask/help public bodies to be more informed/qualified/demanding customers which already will enhance the threshold for potential providers. On the other side, promote the Pre-commercial procurement initiative, which allows the public bodies to get involved in the R
annaflavia bianchi, 03/04/2014 18:14