EU Open Science Monitor

[...] Number of scientific projects on Github (Source: Github)
Bianca Kramer
Number of GitHub projects archived on Zenodo
Bianca Kramer, 30/05/2018 14:46
Federico Leva
Remove GitHub unless it publishes a data dump with said repositories. (For instance on Software Heritage.)
Federico Leva, 17/06/2018 17:22
Federico Leva
Add: number of software deposits under an OSI-approved license. Source: BASE.
Federico Leva, 17/06/2018 17:23
Egon Willighⓐgen
And GitLab, SourceForge, BitBucket... those may not be excluded.
Egon Willighⓐgen, 01/07/2018 11:19
Alessandro Sarretta
Question: how can you select/filter "scientific" project from other types of project?
Alessandro Sarretta, 04/07/2018 01:40
Konstantin Stadler
This definitely needs to be extended to other repositories. The once mentioned by Egon Willighagen above as a start, but many more exist. The Journal of Open Research Software has an extensive list: https://openresearchsoftware.m... Again, a case were the proposed methodology would under report already existing efforts towards OA.
Konstantin Stadler, 25/07/2018 12:16