EU Open Science Monitor

[...] P(mendeley) - # Scopus publications with readership activity in Mendeley (Source: Scopus, Mendeley & Plum Analytics)
Lluís Revilla
There are other databases of papers one reads/stores, like Zotero...
Lluís Revilla, 15/06/2018 14:50
Egon Willighⓐgen
Yes, other platforms must be included, such as Zotero, ResearchGate, ScienceOpen, etc, etc, etc
Egon Willighⓐgen, 01/07/2018 11:22
Etienne Gaudrain
Exclude Scopus, Mendeley and Plum Analytics as there is clear conflic of interest.
Etienne Gaudrain, 02/07/2018 13:04
Etienne Gaudrain
Mendeley is not related to Altmetrics or Open Science. This needs to be scrapped.
Etienne Gaudrain, 02/07/2018 13:08
Jon Tennant
This actively discriminates against researchers who do not use Mendeley, and therefore should be removed as any form of reliable indicator. Indeed, rather than having us question all of these indicators, where is the rationale and justification for any of them?
Jon Tennant, 06/07/2018 19:04
Sylvie Vullioud
The use of Mendeley and Plumanalytics owned by Elsevier such as Scopus is maybe not compatible with EU competition laws. The exclusive use of Scopus, Mendeley and Plumanalytics for OA monitoring may be a violation of competition EU laws by abuse of market dominance, even officially the metrics would be officially performed by CWTS. This configuration should be checked by the EU competition commission. Alternatives are use of Altmetrics, Zotero, Papers, Endnote, Reference Manager, BibTek, etc.
Sylvie Vullioud, 28/07/2018 16:10
Elena Giglia
Endogamic indicator! You use an Elsevier owned database compared to an Elsevier owned social network, which by the way most users left the day after Elsevier acquisition. All these Scopus/Mendely indicators are useless as they are too narrow
Elena Giglia, 30/08/2018 12:54