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[...] - Regions 2: Regions in intergovernmental programmes
According to a Pilot Survey for Older Adult Patients entitled "Health literacy of Functional Decline and Frailty related to Ageing", the most trusted sources of information were: doctors (79.4%), health broadcasts, nurses, pharmacists and magazines. Therefore the professionals should first be trained to have the right skills in order to train the citizens to become "ageing literate". Relying on on-line tutorials or ICT based training has revealed unsuccessful in most of the cases, when addressed to seniors. Therefore health literacy should be mandatory in the curricula of medical schools.
CPME, 03/11/2016 16:16
ERRIN Network
thanks very much. Very interesting and very much in line with what we stated. I have integrated this evidence as you stated
ERRIN Network, 04/11/2016 08:49