Have your say!

[...] Empowering the regions can be one step but it is crucial to empower citizens and professionals as well in order to understand and accept technologies, for instance. First of all, the professionals should be built the right skills and then they can “train” the citizens to become “ageing literate”.
Patrik Eklund
This is key! Thanks to whoever wrote this! Geriatrics are very few, GPs more, and nurses and special workers even more than GPs. But seniors and their family is in a number that is exponentially larger. Even we train this group it has affect on other capacity building aspects as well. This is one of the most important points in the whole document. Self-management is achieved by this training.
Patrik Eklund, 25/10/2016 11:49
Francesca Cesaroni
Training is a key factor, but the way it is provided is crucial, either. Relying on on-line tutorials or ICT based training has revealed unsuccessful in most of the cases, when addressed to seniors.
Francesca Cesaroni, 25/10/2016 16:55
Lars Kayser
This is not only about empowerment but about power structures, health literacy and digital health literacy. In particular interventions where the citizens and users of health care needs to be understood based on their capabilities and ressources. In this way we should not empower but educate and inform at all levels eg. schools and courses in collaboration with EIT health.
Lars Kayser, 31/10/2016 12:17
Filomena Parada
I also think that reference sites could have a strategic relevance in this process that goes beyond its economic dimension or the economic opportunities they may represent. I think that reference sites could have a role in this processof bringin into light needs/resources, etc existing in a region and understanding which could be the best strategic approach to achieve engagement at all levels (local/community, regional, national) and the specific forms such engagement could assume
Filomena Parada, 31/10/2016 15:54
Stuart Anderson
Here, I doubt that "accepting technologies" will have much impact. The key aspect is understanding how to achieve sustainable health and care in the first instance. Without this there will never be a switch to prevention and anticipation in our systems.
Stuart Anderson, 31/10/2016 17:45
ERRIN Network
Thanks for all your excellent comments. I had to mix them a bit to extend this paragraph.
ERRIN Network, 04/11/2016 09:40