Study on the new generation of eGovernment Services

Welcome to the area devoted to discussing results of the ongoing European Commission study on the new generation of eGovernment services and how can the public sector become an agent of innovation
The study has been launched in August 2015 by the European Commission in order to provide a robust and shared definition of new eGovernment services, assess the value of these and understand how the public sector can become a means for innovation.

The aim of the study is to produce a definition and taxonomy of Open eGovernment Services, carry out a cost-benefit analysis of 10 representative cases, as well as to define a new scenario of public sector innovation, also to support the implementation of Open eGovernment Services.

In this respect a new wave of public services has emerged, that is collaborative and open in nature. It has become the central tenet of eGovernment policies, but its definition is still fuzzy. There’s the sense of urgency and novelty, but it is still unclear what exactly it is, and the benefits it entails. There have been efforts to capture the complex dimensions of the benefits but we are still far from a robust case for a new generation of eGovernment services. And Open Government is not just a new set of services: it is a new way to innovate public services, more participative and open.

The study is carried out by PwC, Open Evidence and by the Institute for Baltic Studies.

This space is devoted to provide public comments on the main results of the study. Clic on any texts below and you will be able to directly comment, line by line.