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Policy and strategy recommendations

by PROEIPAHA project
The Consultation is closed
Thanks to all contributors. We are reviewing all the comments and will integrate them to the final version of the report with the policy and strategy recommendations to the European Commission at the end of November 2016.


ERRIN, a consortium partner of the PROEIPAHA project, organized an experts’ workshop in Brussels on 7th September 2016. The workshop objectives were twofold: first, to validate the results of an online survey on the drivers, barriers and challenges of relevant policies for EIPonAHA at national and regional/local level. Secondly, to collect expert ideas and recommendations about the future of the EIP on AHA.

This online commentable version of the report includes the results of the expert group’s discussion in a very concise way highlighting only the key messages and providing the readers with the opportunity to comment them.

If you feel that details or important elements are missing that would carry significant messages from your stakeholder or individual point of view, please share it with us before 31st October 2016.

Drivers, Barriers and Challenges

Participants were asked to validate, legitimise and comment on the analysis results of the report and its conclusions. The presenter went through the conclusions of the report related to the drivers, barriers and challenges of the related AHA policies at national and regional level. This chapter presents only a very limited number of points that the discussion highlighted the most important and relevant.sentence permalink


Barriers to AHA policies

Barrier 1: Lack of fundingsentence permalink


Barrier 2: Poor communication about existing fundssentence permalink


Barrier 3: Mismatch between policy and fundingsentence permalink


Barrier 4: Silos and fragmentation in funding linessentence permalink


Barrier 5: Capacity building to enable stakeholders to absorb fundssentence permalink


The economic environment and the lack of funding are considered as major barriers to develop and implement successful AHA policies. But allocating more money would solve all problems in policy-making and implementation. Funding might already be allocated and available but perhaps the communication about these opportunities is poor or the awareness about them is low. It could also be possible that the policy priorities and the funding priorities do not correspond and without funds allocated to the policy priorities, their implementation will suffer and will fail to deliver impact. Government often works in silo mentality and therefore, the funding made available is also in silos, without coherence or synergy between the funding lines. Stakeholders might not have the capacities and the skills to retrieve the available funding. In this case rather skills development than the increase in funding could be a remedy to the issue.sentence permalink


Ageing as a constant and stable priority

If ageing became an economic or a financial priority rather than a political priority, this might help to ensure continuous and sustainable support to this challenge across the electoral cycles.sentence permalink


Challenges of AHA in the future

The lack of political commitment will constitute a challenge for AHA in the future. The central governments should support the efforts that endeavour to address the ageing issues.sentence permalink


Useful and efficient other measures to support AHA

The most efficient measure needed would be better cooperation between all types of stakeholders to act against the fragmentation between the policies.sentence permalink


Regions and ageing, citizens empowerment

Regions 1: Subnational level managing ageing policiessentence permalink


Regions 2: Regions in intergovernmental programmessentence permalink


Regions 3: Empowerment of citizens and professionalssentence permalink


Below the European, sub-national level might be more appropriate to deal with ageing. By sub-national we mean equally regional and local as in some of the countries the local level is much stronger. It could increase efficiency in some cases if regions were invited to initiatives, programmes where usually the Member States should participate. Intergovernmental joint programmes could accept regions as full and legitimate members of the programme if the regions are more front runners than the national government.sentence permalink


Empowering the regions can be one step but it is crucial to empower citizens and professionals as well in order to understand and accept technologies, for instance. First of all, the professionals should be built the right skills and then they can “train” the citizens to become “ageing literate”.sentence permalink


Wish-list towards the EIP on AHA

This chapter describes the results of the four working groups that the participants were divided into during the expert workshop.sentence permalink


Support to Reference Sites

Reference Sites 1: Ecosystem of stakeholders for the Reference Site statussentence permalink


Reference Sites 2: Involving the civil society and the youngsentence permalink


Reference Sites 3: Coordination and ownership of Directorate Generalssentence permalink


Reference Sites 4: Recognition of the regionssentence permalink


Preparing a Reference Site application requires more than a simple partnership. It needs a local ecosystem of the stakeholders. Civil society and citizens should be involved right from the beginning and a strong political commitment should accompany the initiative. It is particularly important to obtain the young generation’s support to build the future strategy on them. The ecosystem should be able to collectively raise the voice of AHA issues. The coordination and ownership from the European Commission’s relevant Directorate Generals (DG) is crucial to ensure a balanced development and guidance from this level.sentence permalink


The EC support could mean the recognition of the strong role of the regions and the recognition of the Reference Site status in the project applications for EU funding as a guarantee label.sentence permalink


Communicating the benefits of being a Reference Site is very important because that can attract more applications and can convince other regions to take steps. Obtaining the Reference Site status can help to launch new services, and develop new start-ups.sentence permalink


Widening and deepening participation in the EIP on AHA

Participation 1: Widening vs deepeningsentence permalink


Participation 2: Engagement of politicianssentence permalink


Participation 3: Valorisation of SMEssentence permalink


Participation 4: Enhanced technology usesentence permalink


The question still remains open if the EIP on AHA wants to widen its membership at all. Or it should only deepen the participation of the current members and increase the level of their engagement, like politicians and adapting the language that would be efficient to engage them.sentence permalink


It could be attractive for the SMEs if some start-ups could be part of a high-level expert group of the EIP at steering level to better exploit on their experience and give them visibility. It could be convincing and motivating for the other SMEs.sentence permalink


Greater use of technology, webinars, distant meetings and videos could increase the efficiency of communication and could enhance the cooperation. It could also multiply the meetings and the exchange of knowledge between the partners. The ICT communication tools could facilitate the creation of a virtual online knowledge-exchange platform.sentence permalink


Stimulating public and private investment

Investment 1: New business modelssentence permalink


Investment 2: Mixture of fundingsentence permalink


Investment 3: Ageing is an opportunitysentence permalink


The current amounts in healthcare, pension and insurance are huge. The introduction of new forms of public investments and new business models could ensure more efficiency thereof. It could also attract further private investments.sentence permalink


As the prices of healthcare products and services, if they were only offered by private companies without public intervention, would be quite high. Therefore, a mixture of funding is needed.sentence permalink


Users and clients can drive innovation by expressing their needs. The elderly are not only users of services and not only consumers but they have important assets and wealth, like pension schemes, insurances, house that could be used in a creative way. The elderly can become successful entrepreneur as well and the elderly are more willing to buy social services from their peers than from other providers. Ageing is an opportunity.sentence permalink


Sustainability of the EIP on AHA and scaling up

Sustainability 1: Suggested scaling-up modelsentence permalink


Sustainability 2: Use of quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessmentsentence permalink


Sustainability 3: Communicating the benefits of the EIPonAHAsentence permalink


The suggested model to scale-up is first consult the Good Practice Repository, select the Good Practice by criteria and organize a meeting then a study trip to the site and scale up the good practice.sentence permalink


A purely quantitative indicator (the number of regions engaged in innovation) cannot be enough to evaluate the efficiency of the EIP. Other indicators, like economic investment from the local and the global level should also be taken into consideration.sentence permalink


The EIP is considered as a highly useful one-stop shop for innovation in AHA. It would be beneficial for the EIP to identifying “champions” who could verbalise, showcase and explain in a pragmatic way what the EIP has offered them and has achieved in their eyes.sentence permalink



The discussions resulted in the following conclusions categorised around three key issues: governance, engagement/commitment and funding. These categories are proposed by the authors of this report. Organising these conclusions in a structured way serves the bases for the draft recommendations.sentence permalink



1) Faster developing regions could pass by the national level and join up to European initiatives if the Member State cannot commit.sentence permalink


2) Becoming a Reference Site requires building a regional ecosystem. Being a Reference Site can create numerous economic opportunities.sentence permalink


3) The wider and greater use of ICT technologies will be beneficial for the EIPonAHA members.sentence permalink


4) For assessing the achievements of the EIP, a complex set of quantitative and qualitative indicators should be selected.sentence permalink


5) The Action Groups, the Reference Sites and the EIP Community would need further support from the European Commission. The EIP is a useful one-stop shop for innovation in AHA.sentence permalink



1) The engagement of the citizens is key to ensure the sustainability of the priorities and for their engagement and commitment.sentence permalink


2) Besides policies, the most efficient measure needed would be better cooperation between all types of stakeholders.sentence permalink


3) The EIP needs to deepen the engagement and the commitment of the existing partners .sentence permalink



1) Available funding should be better communicated, the ways of applications should be clearer and the staff who are dealing with them should be better trained. Funding and policy priorities should be better aligned.sentence permalink


2) Public and private funding should equally support AHA solutions.sentence permalink


3) Ageing should be also seen as an economic opportunity.sentence permalink
